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How to Participate

As a Section Chair
As a Panel Chair
As a Discussant
As a Paper Presenter
Registration fees
Dates and Deadlines

As a Section Chair

Sections must have two Chairs, one of whom must be from an ECPR member institution. To be a Section Chair, you and your Co-Chair need a MyECPR profile. If you don’t already have one, it takes just a few clicks to create.

When proposals open on 13 October, a link will appear in the menu on the right hand side for you to propose a Section. You must submit your proposal before the deadline of 23 November.

To propose a Section, we need to know:


  • The title of your Section (no more than 20 words)
  • An overview of your Section (no more than 1,000 words)
  • 3–8 keywords, selected from a predetermined list, indicating the Section’s subject, theme and scope. We use these keywords to categorise Sections, Panels and Papers, enabling users to search the online programme.
  • The number of Panels you would like in your Section (3–8)
  • The email address of the Section Co-Chair, as registered in MyECPR

After the submission period has closed, the Academic Convenors will evaluate all proposals, accepting and declining them as they judge fit. We will then email all proposers to let them know the outcome. We will also email the Chairs of all accepted Sections, to let them know how many Panels they have been preliminarily allocated. Their allocation is made according to your request at the time of proposing, and a value judgement based on the Convenors’ own experience.

As soon as Panel and Paper proposals open in December, you will be able to view submissions to your Section. After the proposal deadline the Academic Convenors will review the number of proposals submitted to each Section and will notify you if your Panel allocation has been changed. You must go through all Panels and Papers, approving/declining/reserving them via your MyECPR profile. If you approve a Paper which hasn’t been submitted to any specific Panel, please allocate it appropriately. Alternatively, create new Panels from individual Papers, and find suitable Panel Chairs and Discussants for them. Further instructions on how to do this will be sent to you in due course.

We will let you know if Panels or Papers are withdrawn. Sometimes, several Papers in the same Panel withdraw, and the Panel collapses. If this happens, you may need to reallocate the remaining Papers elsewhere. Similarly, if you receive notification of a withdrawal from a participant, please let us know so we can make the changes.

You don’t have to attend the Conference, but if you would like to, a link will appear in the menu on the right hand side when registration opens in April.

As a Panel Chair

There are two ways to participate as a Panel Chair:

  1. Propose a Panel
  2. Volunteer to Chair a Panel put together by the Section Chairs, made up of Papers on a similar theme

When proposals open on 17 December a link will appear in the menu on the right hand side for you to propose a Panel. You must submit 3–5 Papers with the Panel to a Section before the deadline of 12 February. Papers submitted as part of a Panel do not need to be resubmitted individually.

To make a proposal, you, your Discussant and your Paper presenters must have a MyECPR profile. If you don’t already have one, it takes just a few clicks to create.

To propose a Panel, we need to know:

  • The Section number and/or title you wish to propose to, as listed in the Academic Programme
  • The title of your Panel (no more than 20 words)
  • 3–8 keywords, selected from a predetermined list, indicating the Panel’s subject, theme and scope. We use these keywords to categorise Panels (as well as Sections and Papers), enabling users to search the online programme.
  • The abstract (no more than 500 words)
  • The email address of the Panel Co-Chair (if you have one), as registered in MyECPR
  • The email address of the Discussant’s as registered in MyECPR
  • The title of each Paper (no more than 20 words)
  • The abstract of each Paper (no more than 500 words)
  • 3–8 keywords for each Paper, selected from a predetermined list, indicating the Paper’s subject, theme and scope. We use these keywords to categorise Panels (as well as Sections and Papers), enabling users to search the online programme.
  • Each Paper presenter’s email address, as registered in MyECPR
  • Each Paper Co-author’s email address, as registered in MyECPR (if applicable)

After the deadline, Section Chairs approve/decline/reserve all Panels and Papers proposed. Approved Papers not submitted as part of a Panel will be allocated by the Section Chairs to an appropriate Panel. Alternatively, Section Chairs will form additional Panels from individual Papers on a similar subject. Once this has been done, we will email all proposers to let them know the outcome.

At this point, we may need volunteer Panel Chairs. For guidance, read How to chair a Panel. If you would like to volunteer to Chair a Panel, email the Events Team.

Panel Chairs are expected to attend the Conference. Please register via our website; a link will appear in the menu on the right hand side when registration opens in early April.

Prior to the Conference, Paper presenters will upload their Paper to the ECPR website or email them to you and the Panel Discussant. You must read each Paper in preparation.

As a Discussant

There are two ways to participate as a Discussant:

  1. Form a complete Panel with a Panel Chair, who will propose the Panel (see above)
  2. Volunteer to discuss a Panel, put together by the Section Chairs, made up of Papers on a similar theme

After the deadline, Section Chairs approve/decline/reserve all Panels and Papers proposed, and form new Panels from individually approved Papers on a similar subject. At this point, we may need volunteer Discussants. For guidance, read How to discuss a Panel. If you would like to volunteer to act as Discussant, email the Events Team.

Panel Discussants are expected to attend the Conference to generate conversation about each Paper. Please register via our website; a link will appear in the menu on the right hand side when registration opens in early April.

Prior to the Conference, Paper presenters will upload their Paper to the ECPR website or email them to you and the Panel Chair. You must read each Paper in preparation.


As a Paper Presenter

When proposals open on 5 December a link will appear in the menu on the right hand side for you to propose a Paper. You must submit your proposal to a Section before the deadline of 18 February. Papers submitted as part of a Panel do not need to be resubmitted individually. If your Paper has more than one author, the person making the proposal will be listed as the Paper presenter.

To make a proposal, you and your co-author(s) must have MyECPR profiles. If you don’t already have one, it takes just a few clicks to create. Alternatively, your Paper can be part of a pre-formed Panel proposal, co-ordinated and submitted as a complete Panel by a Panel Chair (see above). 

To propose an individual Paper, we need to know:

  • The Section number and/or title you wish to propose to, as listed in the Academic Programme
  • The Paper title (no more than 20 words)
  • The abstract (no more than 500 words)
  • 3–8 keywords, selected from a predetermined list, indicating the Paper’s subject, theme and scope. We use these keywords to categorise Papers (as well as Sections and Panels), enabling users to search the online programme.
  • The Co-author’s email address as registered in MyECPR (if applicable)

After the deadline, Section Chairs approve/decline/reserve all Papers proposed. Approved Papers not submitted as part of a Panel will be allocated by the Section Chairs to an appropriate Panel. Alternatively, Section Chairs will form additional Panels from individual Papers on a similar subject. Once this has been done, we will email all proposers to let them know the outcome.

Once you know the outcome, you can decide whether you want to attend the Conference. If you do, you need to register and pay online before registration closes in mid May (TBC). A registration button will appear in the menu on the right hand side when registration opens on 1 April.

If your Paper is accepted and you cannot attend, please email the Events Team immediately so we can reshuffle Papers if necessary. If one of your co-authors can attend and present in your place, email the Events Team to let us know they should be listed as Presenter.

Please upload your full Paper to the ECPR website via your MyECPR profile or email it to the Panel Chair, Discussant and fellow Paper givers before 10 August to give your fellow Panellists time to read it. And that’s it – we look forward to welcoming you to the Conference!

Registration fees

The fees for the 2021 are yet to be confirmed:

What does my registration fee cover?

Your registration fee covers a whole host of items, which will be confirmed in due course:


Email the Events Team.

Dates and deadlines

23 October – 23 November 2020 Section proposals
10 December 2020 Sections confirmed
17 December 2020 – 12 February 2021 Panel and Paper Proposals
Early April 2021 Approved/Declined/Reserved emails sent out
Early April – mid May TBC Registration
Early April 2021 Academic Programme (without timetable) online
May 2021 Full Paper upload portal opens via MyECPR
June 2021 TBC Academic Programme (with timetable) online
3 August 2021 Deadline to upload or circulate full Papers