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Inmaculada Yuste Martínez

Universidad de Granadaínez


Currently working at the Unviersity of Granada, Vice-Rectorate of Internationalization. 2016-2018 Project Officer at Euro-Arab Foundation of Higher Studies of the University of Granada. Currently working in the management of: Training Aid (Mobile Interagency Teams to Detect and Prevent the Escalation of Violent Radicalization) in the framework of DG Home Affairs funding. Coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Justice. DERAD (Counter radicalization under the Rule of Law) in the framework of DG Justice funding. Coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Justice. TAKEDOWN (Organized Crime and Terrorism Networks), in the framework of H2020 funding: INTERNACIONAL CONGRESS EUROCRIM, Sarajevo August 2018 PRE- ARANGED PANEL TAKEDOWN: Organized Crime and Terrorist Networkd- Presentation: Cubs of the Caliphate: Minors at the Service of the Islamic State. EISAPEC, Paneuropean Conference, Prague 2018. Session title:New Geographies of 'Countering Violent Extremism' - Risky Spaces of Life Session type:Panel Track: S14: Everyday Practices of Counter-Radicalisation, Countering Violent Extremism Presentation: IS Women Radicalization in Spain.!sessiondetails/0000082120_0 TRAINING CoE HELP Seminar_ 1. European Programme for. Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals. “HELP”. EU-CoE Project on Radicalisation Prevention Project:

Research Interests

Civil Society, Conflict, Democratisation, European Politics, Extremism, Human Rights, International Relations, Islam, Organised Crime, Political Violence, Security, Terrorism, Jurisprudence, Decision Making, Europeanisation through Law, Higher Education, Political Engagement, Activism, Youth, Transitional justice

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