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Standing Group on

Gender and Politics

Current Members: 834

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The ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics forms a broad-based network on issues relating to the study of gender and sexuality in politics and world politics. The Group actively encourages workshops, panels and research groups with an emphasis on gender and seeks to increase the profile of women in the main fields of political science.

Overall, the Standing Group on Gender and Politics seeks to advance knowledge of the complex ways in which gender shapes and interacts with political institutions, processes, policies and outcomes, and to promote gender-sensitive and intersectional approaches to research, teaching and public engagement in the field of political science and beyond.
By prioritizing inclusivity, fostering dialogue and promoting collaboration, the Standing Group on Gender and Politics actively strives to create an academic community that embraces diverse perspectives and addresses the unique challenges faced by scholars from different regions and marginalized communities. 

The specific aims and objectives of the Standing Group on Gender and Politics are to:
– Promote research and scholarship on the intersection of politics and gender, sexuality, race and intersectionality;
– Facilitate the exchange of ideas, perspectives and research findings among scholars from diverse disciplinary backgrounds who are interested in gender and politics in all its diversity, as well as sexuality, race and intersectionality studies;
– Foster collaboration and networking among scholars, activists and policymakers working in the fields of politics and gender, sexuality, race and intersectionality;
– Provide a platform for critical analysis and dialogue on gender and politics, sexuality, race and intersectionality; including the organization of panels, workshops and conferences;
– Engage in advocacy and outreach activities and promote gender equity and intersectional inclusion in academia.

The main activities are:
– Mailing list – a vibrant information and discussion forum where messages regarding conferences, grants, jobs, and books are disseminated;
– A ' syllabus bank ' of gender and politics courses taught worldwide;
– Awarding the biennial Joni Lovenduski PhD Prize in Gender and Politics

Syllabus Bank

Syllabus archive on gender and politics courses
Are you teaching a course on gender and (world) politics? Share your syllabus with the Standing Group on Gender and Politics!
This syllabus archive is a resource for scholars researching and teaching gender issues. It shares ideas for teaching courses but it is also a resource when writing up book proposals and convincing the publishers about the market for the books. Email your syllabus to Petra Ahrens. Please include details on who is teaching the course and where it has been or is being taught.

Gender and Politics

  1. Studying the EU from a gender perspective (Abels)
  2. Gender mainstreaming in public administrations (Bustelo & Lombardo)
  3. Politics of gender (Childs)
  4. Feminism and politics (Eschle)
  5. Gender, society and politics: Special focus on Europe and the US (Ferree)
  6. Gender and the European Union (Kantola)
  7. Feminist research methods (Krook)
  8. Gender and politics in global perspective (Krook)
  9. Design and evaluation of an equality plan (Lombardo)
  10. Gender and politics (Lombardo)
  11. Gender mainstreaming: Theory and practice at the international, European and Spanish levels (Lombardo)
  12. Gender policies in the European Union (Lombardo)
  13. Feminismos teoría y practica. Las políticas de igualdad entre hombres y mujeres (Lombardo)
  14. Engendering politics: Feminist contributions to political theory (MacKenzie)
  15. Genre et politique (Marques-Pereira)
  16. Rapports de genre et figures de femmes en politique (Marques-Pereira)
  17. Concepts and methods in comparative politics: Gender and politics (Mazur)
  18. Introduction to gender and politics (Papageorgiou)
  19. Women and politics: A global perspective (Paxton)
  20. Feminism and Politics (Randall)
  21. Egalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes (Sénac-Slawinski)
  22. Partecipazione e rappresentanza delle donne nell’Italia Repubblicana (Vacante)
  23. Women, Government, and Public Policy (Xydias)
  24. Gender, Security and Militarism (Roe)
  25. Equality Policy in Comparative Approach (Krizsan & Zentai)
  26. Gender and the Welfare State (Woods)
  27. Justice and Gender (Woods)

Gender and World Politics

  1. Politics of the Middle East: Gender (Ababneh)
  2. Gender and development (Alnevall)
  3. Feminisms and International Relations (Kantola)
  4. Global feminisms (Krook)
  5. Feminist and International Relations theories (Peterson)
  6. Gender and nationalism (Repo)
  7. Women, politics and globalisation (Waylen)

Byelaws in Addition to the Group Framework

1.    Steering Committee members are elected for a term of three years, which is once renewable. The call for new members will explicitly invite and support members from underrepresented groups and regions to submit their candidacy. 

2.    The terms of the Steering Committee can be staggered, with elections for some members taking place every two years. Incumbent Steering Committee members will remain members until new members have been elected.

3.    The Steering Committee will determine the time of the election, usually within three months after the General Assembly, allowing the incumbent Steering Committee to report to the General Assembly and the new candidates to introduce themselves at the General Assembly.

4.    Every two years, the Steering Committee elects a Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer, all of whom must be from an ECPR member institution. The terms of these officeholders are once renewable. The Chairpersons are responsible for the liaison with ECPR, the distribution of tasks among Steering Committee members and submitting an annual report of the Standing Group’s activities and projects. The Treasurer prepares the budget and submits a financial report to the Steering Committee at the end of each calendar year.

5.    The Steering Committee will meet at least twice a year (either in person or by conference call) to take decisions. When deciding on business matters, a quorum of 2/3 of the members of the Steering Committee is required. The Steering Committee aims at taking decisions by consensus. If consensus is not attainable, then at least a majority of those participating in the vote is required to take decisions.

6.    The Standing Group organizes a biennial conference: the European Conference on Politics and Gender (ECPG). The Steering Committee issues a call for proposals to host the biennial conference. Decisions about the location and the host institution of the biennial conference are taken by the Steering Committee on the basis of a public call, which has been circulated among the members sufficiently in advance, specifying the expectations and the selection criteria.

7.    The Steering Committee appoints two Conference Chairs (from among its members) that are responsible for the organization of the conference, academic content, the conference budget, liaison with local organizers and liaison with ECPR Services. The Conference Chairs can delegate tasks to other members of the Steering Committee and – upon majority decision by the Steering Committee – to other Standing Group members volunteering to participate in organizing the conference.

8.    No later than three months after each ECPG, the Steering Committee receives and discusses a report by the Conference Chairs on the organization, academic content and the financial results of the conference.

9.    Every year, a meeting of the General Assembly of the Standing Group is held to which all Standing Group members are invited. The General Assembly is held in uneven years at the biennial European Conference on Politics & Gender (ECPG), and in even years at the ECPR General Conference.

10.    At the General Assembly, the Steering Committee provides a report about the activities and state of affairs of the Standing Group. The Treasurer provides a financial overview.

11.    The Steering Committee may decide on the organization and support of other activities that it engages in, subject to the availability of sufficient funding.