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Political Legitimacy, Political Order, and Institutional Stability

Miriam Ronzoni
Technische Universität Darmstadt


This panel addresses the relationship between concerns of output and input legitimacy in the area of global governance. Stronger international and transnational institutional regulation is called for both on substantive grounds (the need to solve problems and tackle externalities which national institutions do not seem able to address) and on – for lack of a better term – procedural grounds (the need to democratize global governance). Can this bifurcation be appropriately captured by the traditional distinction between output and input legitimacy? And if it can, how should the two concerns interact with, or be balanced against, each other? Is there really a trade-off between the need to address "global public bads" (harmful tax competition, climate change, the volatility of financial markets, etc.) and the demand for a more democratic management of global governance, or do the two concern point to similar solutions? The panel welcomes both contributions that tackle this problem at a general level, and papers with a focus on specific global public policy areas.

Title Details
Justice and Authority in the Global Realm: The Reflexive Account and Its Implications View Paper Details
Some Worries About the Significance of Output Legitimacy View Paper Details
Standards of International Legitimacy and Multilateral Democracy View Paper Details