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European Political Science
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European Political Science (EPS)

Published in association with Palgrave Macmillan

3.8 CiteScore 2023
106/706 Political Science and International Relations Scopus 2023
81/186 Political Science Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics) 2022
2.0 Impact Factor 2022


European Political Science (EPS) is the professional journal of the ECPR, devoted to publishing contributions written by and for the political science community, encompassing comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, European studies and related disciplines.

The journal serves as a prime outlet for original research on substantial topics covering comparative politics and the political profession. This includes research pieces about the political science profession itself, including teaching and learning contributions, as well as book reviews. EPS also publishes Special issue and academic debate collections, as well as original datasets and policy commentaries as a new initiative.

To contribute or to make a query, contact the Editorial Office at

EPS is a publication that aims to address the professional needs and aspirations of all political scientists, and as such, access to it is a benefit of ECPR membership.

If your institution is a member but you do not have access, contact

Editorial team

Stella Ladi

Stella Ladi
Queen Mary University of London and Panteion University

Linda Basile

Linda Basile
University of Siena

Luis Ramiro

Luis Ramiro
Reviews Editor

Jacqui Briggs Prize

Since 2015, the ECPR and EPS team have awarded the Jacqui Briggs prize for the best article appearing in the previous year's volume of EPS. The prize is named in honour of former EPS Editor, Jacqui Briggs, who passed away in 2018, and is given to an article that makes a substantial contribution to the field of political science, especially articles that contribute to the understanding of new and innovative trends in political science or to innovative approaches to teaching and learning in the profession.