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The General Conference offers a prestigious global stage nurturing the development of research across all sub-disciplines of political science.
With its expansive reach and inclusive approach, the General Conference provides an engaging platform that transcends regional and national boundaries. It offers scholars an opportunity to converge, showcase research to peers, connect with like-minded researchers, and benefit from fruitful discussions and intense debates.
Having brought together nearly 2,000 political scientists in Dublin and online for our 2024 General Conference, we are thrilled to head to the prestigious Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for the 2025 event.
Covering all corners of political science
Exploring pressing matters across the discipline
Curated activities that foster meaningful connections
We invite Panel and Paper proposals across 60 Section themes, including an Open Section for submissions from diverse theoretical and methodological traditions that do not fit readily into other Sections.
You don't have to be affiliated with an ECPR Member institution to propose a Panel or Paper, but you must have a My ECPR profile.
Panel proposals should include 3 – 5 Papers. Papers submitted as part of a Panel do not need to be resubmitted individually.
Paper Presenters can present no more than two Papers and are expected to serve as Discussants for one Paper within their Panel.
If your proposal is accepted, you will be expected to attend the event in person in Thessaloniki. This event does not support hybrid participation.
Please read our guidelines and complete the Panel or Paper proposal form by midnight UK time on Monday 6 January 2025.
You will hear about the outcome of your proposal by 17 February 2025.
Participants attending and appearing in any capacity in the Academic Programme must register and pay through our online system.
The registration fee is determined by the format of your Panel as indicated in the Panel code prefix in the Academic Programme.
All participants must pay a fee. Your space is not secured until your registration is paid in full.
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