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Who are the (native) People? Othering in Right-Wing Populist Politics

Steven M. Van Hauwaert
Forward College
Bartek Pytlas
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München – LMU

Building: BL20 Helga Engs hus, Floor: Basement, Room: HE U36

Saturday 09:00 - 10:40 CEST (09/09/2017)


In a time of perfuse conceptual debate regarding the in- and outs of populism, the parties that (might) use it and certain discourse that could be classified as such, one factor seemingly connects the different theoretical and empirical schools. Populism appears to diametrically oppose the in-group with some “others” and thereby create a pervasive schism in society. The dual politics that follow from this are not only beneficial, but also crucial for the success of populism. Similar arguments can be made regarding nationalism or even authoritarianism, both crucial components of what we have come to know as far right politics or right-wing political extremism. It thus appears that some components that are typically connected to individuals, parties and discourse on the right share some characteristics. This panel examines some of those characteristics, and specifically looks at how the use of different in-groups and “others” can benefit right-wing politics and its different components. How does populism overlap with other components of right-wing politics, like nationalism or nativism?

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Who are 'The People' in the Populist Rhetoric? The Case of the 'Front National' (FN) and the 'Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs' (FPÖ) View Paper Details
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Contested Spaces and Conflicting Identities: The Politics of ‘Othering’ and Sectarianisation View Paper Details
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