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Deliberative Systems: A Network Approach

Andrew Knops
University of Birmingham
Andrew Knops
University of Birmingham


The idea of a deliberative system is an attempt to reconcile deliberative norms with real world decision procedures. Individual elements – e.g. media coverage, lobbying – may not be deliberative. But their combined effect is. By facilitating specialisation, the model addresses problems of scale, but arguably by diluting the critical purchase of deliberative principles. This paper advances an alternative, ‘network’ conception of deliberative systems - single deliberative exchanges communicating in a network. Communication is based on ‘deliberative transparency’ – information about the decision taken, reasons for it, assumptions on which these are grounded and parties and procedures involved. Thus those involved in one exchange can assess the import of a decision taken elsewhere. Elements interrelate. The model also makes explicit the links between deliberative principles and practice, strengthening the systems concept while retaining a clear critical standard of what amounts to deliberation.