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Standing Group on

Politics and Technology

Current Members: 212

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The focus of the Standing Group on Politics and Technology lies in the systematic relations of different levels of government (e.g. regional, national and European) with technological change and innovation. The research within the Standing Group has clearly indicated a European path of how governments can both support and initiate technology development and innovation. Governmental activities, as well as their causes and effects, vary throughout European countries according to institutions, history and culture, even more in comparison to North America and to new industrialising countries like Singapore or Taiwan. Research on these topics requires an interdisciplinary, comparative approach with political science as an important contribution.

The focus of the Standing Group Politics and Technology lies on the systematic relations of different levels of government (e.g. regional, national and European) with technological change and innovation.

The Standing Group provides an European resource of scholars for collaboration

  • to pool and coordinate research activities and publication strategies
  • to exchange ideas (including aspects of ongoing research activities)
  • and to develop new ones (activities planned by individual researchers are presented in early project stages)
  • via meetings, workshops, newsletters or e-mail discussions.

The Standing Group Politics and Technology was founded in 1987 on the basis of a workshop held within the Joint Sessions of Workshops in Amsterdam. Starting from this point, in 1988 an ECPR-Research Group was selected on the topic ‘The State, Technology and Unintended Consequences’ that was held with the ECPR in Rimini.

During these ECPR Activities, the framework for interdisciplinary research was laid out and specified in individual research projects funded by a variety of organisations and foundations (e.g. the EU, Europe of the Cultures, national and regional Government agencies, and foundations such as the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation or the Hans-Boeckler-Foundation).

So far, seven funded research networks with a comparative European perspective were realized, mostly adopting a transatlantic perspective in addition. Books with publishers of high international standing and special issues with SSCI-listed periodicals were produced.

The Standing Group will follow this path and produce further books based on the ongoing funded research as well as on the existing results that may provide a basis for future research projects and research networks.