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European Journal of Political Research

Labour Euroscepticism: Italian and Irish Unions’ Changing Preferences Towards the EU

Call for an Editorial Team – EJPR

We are searching for a new, pre-formed editorial team to lead the European Journal of Political Research (EJPR) from January 2025.

The journal is currently edited by Isabelle Engeli (University of Exeter), Emiliano Grossman (Centre d'études Européennes, Sciences Po Paris) and Sofia Vasilopoulou (King's College London). Their terms are due to come to an end on 31 December 2024 and we wish to build on their outstanding work with a new, pre-formed team.

The closing date for applications is Thursday 1 August 2024.

About the journal

European Journal of Political Research (EJPR) Launched in 1973, the European Journal of Political Research (EJPR) is one of the discipline’s highest-profile journals and one of ECPR's flagship activities. Consistently ranking in the top 10 political science journals, it has a 2022 Impact Factor of 5.3 and a CiteScore of 9.2.

EJPR publishes original and substantial contributions to the study of comparative European politics, specialising in theoretically or methodologically original articles articulating conceptual and comparative perspectives with a broad theoretical relevance, speaking to different academic literatures on a variety of sub-fields and topics.

The journal welcomes quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as contributions from other sub-disciplines (including international relations and political theory) and geographical areas (including North and South America) that are relevant to the comparative study of politics.

Apart from regular research articles, EJPR also publishes short research notes, responses to previously published articles that are theoretically relevant, and state-of-the-field review articles on topics of particular relevance to the journal, special issues and forum sections.

The new team

Commencing January 2025, the tenure is for six years, with a mid-point review.

Academic publishing is in a state of transformation, we are therefore seeking a team with the vision, expertise and passion to lead EJPR at this critical stage in its life.

Key priorities for the team would be to:

  • Maintain the very high academic standards upheld by each successive team of editors to date.
  • Attract the best research from across the discipline to grow the volume of content published.
  • Implement strategies to enable the journal to adapt and thrive within a changing landscape.
  • Continue the journal’s commitment to equality and diversity, while also considering the impact and profile of the journal and all works published within it.

The successful team will consist of three to five excellent scholars with internationally recognised careers, extensive networks and relevant editorial experience. The composition of the team should be reflective of the authorship and readership of the journal, with at least one Editor based in a European institution, and should be balanced in terms of gender.

All Editors must be affiliated with an ECPR Member institution or have a commitment from their institution to become a member upon appointment.

The editorial team will work collaboratively with ECPR and the publisher on the overall editorial strategy and will be expected to attend regular meetings both in person and online, to report on the journal’s development.

The team will benefit from significant practical and institutional support from ECPR. The journal has a dedicated Editorial Coordinator, who is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the editorial and production process, as well as coordinating social media content and marketing activities undertaken by both ECPR and the publisher.

How to apply

Applications should be submitted by Thursday 1 August 2024 via email to the Search Committee, care of the Editorial Office (

Proposals should include the three areas outlined below and not exceed 5,000 words (excluding the CVs).

1. Statement of strategic editorial vision for the journal, including, for example:
  • Assessment of the current status of the journal;
  • Assessment of opportunities for development and growth, particularly within an Open Access context;
  • Plans for new initiatives and innovations to be implemented throughout the term;
  • Plans for outreach and promotion, for example at ECPR and other events and/or with its thematic groups and membership community.
2. Statement of editorial management
  • Peer-review strategy, including suggestions for addressing pressures on reviewers;
  • Plans for author and reviewer engagement to improve experience for both;
  • Statement of commitment to Equality and Diversity both regarding the composition of the editorial team and the editorial board, as well as the content of the journal itself;
  • Role of the editorial board in meeting the journal’s mission.
3. Description of the editorial team
  • Key roles and responsibilities of each member;
  • CVs (max 5 pages) of all members;
  • Details of institutional support available to each team member. 

To support the editors in their role we provide an annual stipend and waive registration fees for ECPR events during their term. Alongside this, each ECPR journal has a dedicated Editorial Coordinator whose role is to fully support the editors and ensure the smooth running of the editorial process, manage social media and work with marketing staff to promote the journal throughout the year. The Editorial Coordinator is also the key point of contact between ECPR and the publisher. 

ECPR’s Publications Subcommittee (of its Executive Committee) will act as the Search Committee, supported by the EJPR Editorial Coordinator.

Queries about the editorial responsibilities and the application procedure should be addressed to the Editorial Coordinator in the first instance (

What happens next
  • September 2024 Zoom interviews with shortlisted candidates.
  • Mid-October 2024 Decision on appointment communicated.
  • November 2024 Handover period.
  • January 2025 Official appointment.
For further information about the role, please contact