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Author biographies

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Author biographies

Biographical information on all contributors to our 50th Anniversary volume

Ivar Bleiklie

Ivar Bleiklie, University of Bergen

Ivar is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Bergen, Norway. He has been the director of the Norwegian Research Center in Organization and Management and a visiting scholar/professor at Stanford University, Harvard University, Boston College, and Sciences Po. Bleiklie has directed and participated in a number of comparative projects on higher education policies and organisational change in Western Europe, and he has published a number of books, book chapters, and articles about social services, health policy, and policy and organisational change in higher education.

Thibaud Boncourt

Thibaud Boncourt, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Thibaud is Associate Professor at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a researcher at Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science Politique. He earned his PhD in 2011 at the Institute of Political Studies, Bordeaux and later held a Max Weber fellowship at the European University Institute (2013–2014). His research interests include the history and sociology of science, the relationships between knowledge and power, and internationalisation dynamics. He recently coedited, with Johan Heilbron and Gustavo Sora, The Social and Human Sciences in Global Power Relations (2018).

Gordon Finlayson

Marleen Brans, KU Leuven

Marleen is Professor at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute and Treasurer of the International Public Policy Association. Her research focuses on the production and use of policy advice, with special attention on the uptake of scientific research and the role of ministerial advisers.

Shardia Briscoe-Palmer

Shardia Briscoe-Palmer, De Montfort University

Shardia is an early career academic fellow at De Montfort University in Leicester. Her research specialisms intersect across the politics of gender, race, and social injustices. Her research explores the politics of black masculinity while (de)constructing postcolonial identities. Shardia's interests also include academic diversity and inclusivity challenges faced by minority groups in higher education. She advocates strongly for race and its intersections to be addressed adequately in the discipline.

Terrell Carver

Terrell Carver, University of Bristol

Terrell is Professor of Political Theory at the University of Bristol. He first attended an ECPR Joint Sessions in 1978 and in subsequent years has been a Workshop Director and Official Representative. He has published extensively on critical theory, gender theory, and philosophy of the social sciences, and regularly teaches discourse and visual analysis for the IPSA Methods School in Singapore.

Russell Dalton

Russell J. Dalton, UC Irvine

Russell is Research Professor at the Center for the Study of Democracy at UC Irvine. His research focuses on the role of citizens in the democratic process, involving the topics of political culture, electoral politics, and political representation. Russell’s most recent books include The Good Citizen (2020), Political Realignment – Economics, Culture and Electoral Change (2018), The Participation Gap (2017), and The Civic Culture Transformed (2015). He has received a Fulbright Professorship at the University of Mannheim, a Barbra Streisand Center Fellowship, German Marshall Research Fellowship, and a POSCO Fellowship at the East/West Center.

Kris Deschouwer

Kris Deschouwer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Kris is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His main area of research is political parties and elections, as well as related topics like political representation, regionalism and federalism, and consociational democracy. He is Chair of ECPR for the period 2018–2021.

Isabelle Engeli

Isabelle Engeli, University of Exeter

Isabelle is Professor of Public Policy at the University of Exeter. Her research specialises in comparative public policy with a focus on the politics of gendering policy action and implementation, regulating biotechnology and the comparative turn in policy research. Her work appears in the European Journal of Public Policy, Regulation & Governance, West European Politics, Comparative European Politics, and the Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. She is the recipient of the APSA 2012 Best Comparative Policy Paper Award, and the 2011 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize. She serves as co-editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Political Research and founding editor of the European Journal of Politics & Gender.

Diego Garzia

Diego Garzia, University of Lausanne

Diego is an SNSF Eccellenza Professor of Political Science at the University of Lausanne, and a recurring Visiting Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in Fiesole. He held a Jean Monnet Fellowship at the European University Institute (2012–2014) and an SNSF Ambizione Fellowship at the University of Lucerne (2017–2019). He currently serves as founding convenor of the ECPR Research Network on Voting Advice Applications and as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian National Election Study (ITANES). With ECPR Press, he has already published Matching Voters with Parties and Candidates (2014).

Luciana Alexandra Ghica

Luciana Alexandra Ghica, University of Bucharest

Luciana is Associate Professor of International Relations and European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, where she also acts as founding director of the Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies. She studied at the University of Bucharest, Central European University and Oxford University, where she specialised in the analysis of international cooperation processes. She is the author of several studies on democratisation, foreign policy, and international cooperation, and editor of the first Romanian encyclopaedia of the European Union.

Virginie Guiraudon

Virginie Guiraudon, Sciences Po Paris

Virginie is CNRS research director at Sciences Po Centre for European and Comparative studies in Paris. She holds a PhD in Government from Harvard University (1997). She has been Marie Curie Professor at the EUI and a visiting professor and scholar in various universities (Princeton, UCLA, Doshisha University in Kyoto, the CEPC in Madrid). Her current work focuses in part on European integration. She is co-editor (with Adrian Favell) of Sociology of the European Union (2011). She has been very active in developing European studies, notably as executive board member successively of EUSA, the Council for European Studies, and the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union. She is the 2013 recipient of the ECPR Mattei Dogan Prize in European Political Sociology.

Anton Hemerijck

Anton Hemerijck, European University Institute

Anton is Professor of Political Science and Sociology at the European University Institute in Florence. Between 2001 and 2009, he directed the Scientific Council for Government Policy, while holding a professorship in Comparative European Social Policy at Erasmus University Rotterdam. For two decades he has advised the European Commission and several EU presidencies on European social policy developments. Important books include Why We Need a New Welfare State with Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Duncan Gallie, and John Myles (2002), the monograph Changing Welfare States (2013) and the edited volume The Uses of Social Investment (2017).

Pippa Norris

Pippa Norris, Harvard University

Pippa is a comparative political scientist who has taught at Harvard University for a quarter century. Her research compares public opinion and elections, democratic institutions and cultures, gender politics, and political communications in many countries worldwide. Major honours include APSA’s Charles Merriam Award, fellowship of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the PSA’s Isaiah Berlin Lifetime Achievement Award, IPSA’s Karl Deutsch Award, the 2011 Johan Skytte prize in political science, and the ARC’s 2011 Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellowship, she has published around fifty books. The most recent include Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit and Authoritarian Populism (authored with Inglehart, 2019) and Electoral Integrity in America (coedited, 2019).

Kate Mattocks

Kate Mattocks, University of East Anglia

Kate is a Lecturer in Politics at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. Her research interests lie in two main areas, the politics of cultural policy and academic labour. Her cultural policy research focuses on the governance of policies to do with the arts and culture, with a particular focus on cultural identity and diversity. Her research on academic labour has examined the experiences of doctoral researchers and early career academics in the United Kingdom. She holds a doctorate from City, University of London (2017) and has held teaching positions at Liverpool Hope University and Richmond University.

Yves Mény

Yves Mény, European University Institute

Yves is Emeritus President of the European University Institute (2002–2009) and former president of the Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies in Pisa and IUSS, Pavia. He is also former chair of the ECPR Executive Committee (2000). His academic career includes positions in Rennes, Paris II, Sciences Po, and the European University Institute. He has taught in many American and European Universities and is an honorary member of the Irish Academy. He has published extensively in the field of French and comparative politics, public policies, and administration. Later, his publications have focused on corruption and populism. In 2019, his book Imparfaites démocraties was simultaneously published in Italy and France (Il Mulino and Presses de SciencesPo).

Svein Michelsen

Svein Michelsen, University of Bergen

Svein is Professor of Political Science at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory at the University of Bergen. His main interests are focused on higher education and vocational education and training systems and policies in Western European countries.

Liza Mügge

Liza Mügge, University of Amsterdam

Liza is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Amsterdam. At the UvA, she also chairs the Taskforce on Social Safety and co-leads the ‘Diverse Europe’ research group of the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies. She is cofounding editor of the European Journal of Politics & Gender and PI of a five-year project on political representation and diversity funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research.

David Paternotte

David Paternotte, Université libre de Bruxelles

David Paternotte is Associate Professor in Sociology at the Université libre de Bruxelles. He is also vice dean for International Affairs and chair of the interdisciplinary master in gender studies that unites the French-speaking universities. After research on same-sex marriage advocacy and LGBT activism, he studied anti-gender campaigns and attacks on academic freedom in Europe. In addition to numerous articles and book chapters, he has authored the book Revendiquer le “mariage gay”: Belgique, France, Espagne (2011). He is the codirector of the book series Global Queer Politics (Palgrave) and Genre(s) & Sexualité(s) (Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles).

Alexander H. Trechsel

Alexander H. Trechsel, University of Lucerne

Alex is Professor of Political Science at the University of Lucerne. He obtained his PhD in Political Science at the University of Geneva in 1999. From 2005 to 2016 he held the Swiss Chair in Federalism and Democracy at the European University Institute in Fiesole, at which he was also Head of the Department for Political and Social Sciences from 2013 to 2016. From 2012 to 2015, he was Faculty Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.

Mieke Verloo

Mieke Verloo, Radboud University

Mieke is Professor of Comparative Politics and Inequality Issues at Radboud University, and Non-Residential Permanent Fellow at the IWM, Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. She is the winner of the 2015 ECPG Gender and Politics Career Achievement Award. She was scientific director of large research projects on gender equality policymaking in Europe and has extensive consultancy and training experience on gender mainstreaming and intersectionality for several European governments and institutions. Publications from her work on opposition to feminist politics include the edited volume Varieties of Opposition to Gender Equality in Europe (2018).