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Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together this page to help address some of the most common queries regarding our Joint Sessions of Workshops.

If you still require assistance, please contact our Events Team.


What will the Joint Session look like?
The Workshops are fora for substantive discussion on research in progress and collaboration among scholars. They are gatherings of approximately 15 to 20 Papers from several different institutions, lasting for four days. The topics of discussion are precisely defined, and only those scholars currently working in the Workshop's field are invited to participate.

What is the proposals process?
There is a two-stage process for submitting proposals for the Joint Sessions – 1) Call for Workshops and 2) Call for Papers. For further details, please refer to the Guidelines and Deadlines page.

What are the participation rules?
Each participant can attend only one Workshop and must be present and fully participate in all of the Workshop sessions (two daily sessions between Monday 25 and Thursday 28 March).

Each Paper Presenter is expected to engage in the discussion of all Papers in the Workshop.

What role do the Workshop Directors play?
The Workshop Directors of any approved Workshop proposals will:

  • Select the Papers for their Workshop
  • Plan the schedule for the Workshop
  • Run the Workshop, offering ample time to discuss each Paper and to thoroughly reflect on the Workshop's topics.

What are the registration fees?
The registration fees are outlined below.

In-person Workshops
  • ECPR Member
    Standard: €287.50 / Student: €115.00
  • Non-Member
    Standard: €575.00 / Student: €402.50
Virtual Workshops
  • ECPR Member
    Standard: €145.00 / Student: €58.00
  • Non-Member
    Standard: €290.00 / Student: €203.00

Are there any funding opportunities available?
Yes, we offer two funding streams to help scholars attend the Joint Sessions.

  • Event Participation Grant: Open to PhD students and early career scholars from ECPR Full Member institutions.
  • 50th Anniversary Fund: Available to individual scholars who are not eligible to apply for our standard event participant funding scheme.

If your application is successful, we'll cover your registration fee, plus travel and accommodation costs if you're attending an in-person Workshop. Dont forget to check the eligibility criteria before you apply. 


How can I find out about the format of my Workshops?
The format of each Workshop is indicated in the programme with the following icons:

  In-person Workshop or activity
  Virtual Workshop or activity

You can also search the programme by Workshop code: P for in-person Workshops held at Lüneburg and V for virtual Workshops.

What does a Workshop Schedule normally look like?
Schedules are determined by the Workshop's Directors. Below is an example of how a Workshop can be organised.

Five Papers per day with one hour for each Paper to include:

  • 15-minute presentation
  • 15-minute discussant-led questions*
  • 30-minute open discussion

*Each Paper Presenter is expected to take turns to serve as a discussant.

What format should my in-person Paper presentation be in?
Your Paper can be presented in any format. If you are delivering a digital presentation in person, please bring your laptop and connect to the projector for your presentation.

Do I need to send my presentation beforehand?
No, you are not required to share your Paper presentation before the event.


In person

Which time zone is being used for the Joint Sessions of Workshops?
The times are shown in Central European Time (CET).

What should I do when I arrive at the venue?
On arrival, please head to the Registration Desk. Here you will check in and collect your badge. Keep a look out for student ambassadors in ECPR t-shirts who will also be able to assist you!

Badges are required to access all Workshops and activities, including networking events.

How can I find the room allocation for my in-person Workshop or activity?
The room allocation for each Workshop or activity will be included in the Programme on the event platform and your Itinerary.

How do I change from a presenting to a non-presenting author or vice versa?
Please email the Events Team with the Paper title and which should be the Presenter and which should be the Co-Author. Only Papers whose Presenters have registered would appear on the Academic Programme.

May I attend any other Workshops?
You may attend only the Workshop you have been registered for during the event. You must stay for the full duration of the Workshop and fully participate in all of its sessions.

I'm unable to attend. What do I need to do?
Please email the Events Team and notify your Workshop Directors.

I don't have a participating role in the Workshop. Can I still take part?
This event is restricted only to those who have an approved proposal or role at the Workshop.


How do I join a virtual Workshop?
Links to join the virtual Workshop will be available in your itinerary 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.

Can I present virtually in an in-person Panel?
Hybrid participation is not being offered for this event.

Will any sessions be recorded?
ECPR may record all events in the form of photography, screen capture, filming and audio recording of interactions such as discussions during Workshops, breaks and headline events. This media may be used by us to promote ECPR activities. These activities may include publishing it on, or using it in digital and email marketing, on social media and in other promotional materials.

If you do not wish to appear in such media, please make yourself known to the photographer, ECPR Events Team or one of our Student Assistants present onsite.

Will the Workshop be recorded?
Workshop discussions will not be recorded.

May I take a screen capture for social media?
If you or any other participant want to take a screen capture for personal use, such as sharing on social media, you / they should request permission from the Workshop Director(s).

ECPR System

Where can I find the event timetable?
The timetable of the event will be published by early February 2024.

How do I use the 'My Itinerary' feature?
My Itinerary allows you to plan your event in advance. You can search for the Workshop(s) that you will be attending and simply click/press on the calendar icon. If you make a mistake, simply click/press the icon again to remove the item from your itinerary.

The Workshop where you are participating as a Paper Presenter or Workshop Director and the plenary activities have automatically been added to your itinerary and these cannot be deleted.

How do I upload my Paper?

  1. Head to My Events in your My ECPR account and select the following: Manage Paper > Browse > Select your Paper > Open/OK > Upload.
  2. Click 'View Document' to ensure that it has been uploaded successfully. You can also use this facility to replace your Paper or remove it after the event. Your document must be in English and PDF format.
  3. Please upload your Paper by 8 March 2024 so they have time to prepare comments and questions.

Please note that uploading your Paper via My ECPR constitutes an agreement for ECPR to publish the Paper on the event platform which will be accessible to all participants.

How can I get a Certificate of Participation?
Once the event is over, you can now download it via My ECPR in four simple steps:

  1. Head to My Events
  2. Find the event you had attended
  3. Select your role in the event from the drop-down list
  4. Your PDF certificate will download automatically

If you had more than one role in the event, you can download a separate certificate for each role.