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In person icon The long-term consequences of democratic innovations

Political Participation
Didier Caluwaerts
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Camille Bedock
Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux


There is a vast literature which has focused on what happens "inside" democratic innovations, analyzing for instance process characteristics or how participants behave. However, democratic innovations can also have long-term consequences on citizens' preferences and values or on the wider political system. These long-term consequences should be analysed by analyzing the existing institutional structure, which affects the potential long-term consequences of DIs. This panel investigates the long-term consequences of democratic innovations on various topics such as federalism, procedural fairness, deliberation or polarization

Title Details
Beyond Representative Democracy? Explaining Demands for Democratic Innovations in Three Federal States View Paper Details
Deliberative Mini-Publics, Procedural Fairness, and the Acceptance of Negative Political Decisions: Survey Experimental Evidence from Ireland View Paper Details
Empirical reflections on the three generation of mini-publics View Paper Details
Deliberation and polarization: a multi-disciplinary meta-analysis View Paper Details