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Civil Society Protests and the Pandemic: A View from the (Global) South

Social Movements
Matthias Hoffmann
Babeş-Bolyai University
Priska Daphi
Bielefeld University

Building: A, Floor: 3, Room: SR11

Tuesday 11:15 - 13:00 CEST (23/08/2022)


The pandemic and the related emergecy measures have changed the nature of protests: not only on how they manifest themselves (e.g., physically or virtually), but also with a view to their content. Yet changes vary greatly from context to context. In countries of the Global North, protests against state measures to reign in the pandemic have led, among others, to a blurring of boundaries between ‘progressive’ and ‘reactionary’ mobilizations. In countries of the Global South the pandemic and state responses to have fulled, among others, anti-poverty protests that contest, more generally, legacies of coloniality, which Corona emergency measures tend to reinforce rather than break with. This panel sheds light on historically and geograpahically different perceptions of, experiences with, and struggles related to state interventions in light of the ongoing pandemic.

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“The emergency in the emergency”: The human rights mobilizations against enforced disappearance in Mexico before and during the pandemic era. View Paper Details
The rural social question in Morocco and Tunisia: Mobilizations, representations and state responses View Paper Details
Covid-19 and shrinking space for civil society mobilisations in hybrid regimes and fragile democracies. The cases of Algeria and Tunisia. View Paper Details