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Formal International Organizations beyond the COW

International Relations
Markus Gastinger
Universität Salzburg
Alexandra Bögner
Universität Salzburg
Benjamin Faude
University of Glasgow

Building: C - Hollar, Floor: 2, Room: 112

Thursday 16:00 - 17:45 CEST (07/09/2023)


The Correlates of War (COW) dataset has long set the boundaries for IO research. Since the 21st century, scholars have been pushing the envelope of what is considered an IO. In this Panel, we focus on formal IOs not included in the COW and which have only recently entered the fray of IO research, such as treaty management organizations or joint bodies (IOs without independent secretariats and set up in all policy areas).

Title Details
Joint bodies in international agreements of the United States: Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? View Paper Details
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Leveraging EU Trade Power for Climate: Advancing climate goals through preferential trade agreements and their bodies View Paper Details
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