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Regulators and their stakeholders in an age of turbulence

Civil Society
Interest Groups
Public Administration
Takuya Onoda
Sciences Po Paris
Christel Koop
Kings College London
Rik Joosen
Universiteit Antwerpen

Building: Meerminne, Floor: 0, Room: M.002

Thursday 14:30 - 16:00 CEST (13/07/2023)


Regulatory governance is said to have been increasingly under a variety of pressures that are often contradictory, conflictual, and unexpected. The changing environment that a regulator faces today demands a more systematic inquiry into changes in regulatory engagement with different types of stakeholders. This panel brings together scholars who explores the origins, processes, and the outcomes of regulatory engagement with economic and societal actors in turbulent times. The key questions we are interested in include (but are not limited to): - How does a regulator respond to external pressures and navigate itself in a changing environment? - How does a regulator engage with different economic and societal actors – business, consumers, and the public at large? What are the processes, tactics, and mechanisms a regulator uses in engaging with societal actors? - How and to what extent does the pressure from societal actors influence regulatory policy and institutions? Conversely, to what extent and how does a regulator’s engagement shape policy outputs and outcomes? - What are the implications of regulatory engagement for power, legitimacy, responsibility, and responsiveness in regulatory governance? We seek to address these questions through a variety of theoretical and methodological angles.

Title Details
Independent economic regulators and the changing face of stakeholder engagement: Engaging with whom and about what? View Paper Details
When does business power trump independent regulatory agencies? View Paper Details
What shall we talk about?: How differences in interest group type and language matter for gaining influence in regulatory rulemaking View Paper Details
Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority – an unexpected independent regulatory agency View Paper Details