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In person icon Gender in German Policymaking

Comparative Politics
Political Parties
Public Policy
Social Policy
Christina Xydias
Bucknell University
Annette Henninger
Philipps-Universität Marburg

In person icon Building: UFO, Floor: 1, Room: Leslokaal 1.1 - Henri Pirenne

Wednesday 11:00 - 12:30 CEST (10/07/2024)


Although policymaking around gender has grown overall more progressive over the last three decades in Germany, the words and actions of actors on the far-right (including the AfD) have increasing consequences for other parties’ agendas and issue-framing. In addition to examining the AfD, the papers on this panel illuminate the effects of the party and its followers on the broader system. These papers address gender in German policymaking from a variety of perspectives, on wide-ranging debates that include national security, family policy, gender-fair language (i.e., asterisks or other typography to achieve gender-inclusive language), and the framing of issues that pertain to women, to sexual minorities, and to persons with variations of sex characteristics. Germany’s federal structure, the division of labor between national and state governments, and the diffusion of issues and debates between these two levels of policymaking mean that we must examine both in order to understand the broader policy environment. Thus the papers that comprise the panel also examine politics and policymaking in both the Bundestag and Germany’s state legislatures. Finally, the panel brings together scholars at varying points in their careers (ranging from graduate student to full professor), based in both Europe and the United States.

Title Details
The German Alternative for Germany and Gendered Legislative Discourse View Paper Details
The New Cultural War on Gender-inclusive Language in Germany: Shift to the Right Through Symbolic Politics? View Paper Details
Families and Parties, and Party Families: Parenthood and Political Careers in Germany View Paper Details
Right-wing Populism and Its Effects on Intersex Policy in Germany View Paper Details
Women Leaders and International Institutions: Unpacking the 'Merkel Myth. View Paper Details
Legal Discrimination within Activating Integration Policies? Comparing Female and Male Refugees in Germany View Paper Details