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Retrogressive technocultural worldings: Critical examinations of the intersectional dynamics of far-right metapolitics

Cyber Politics
Ov Cristian Norocel
Lunds Universitet
Open section

Building: Technicum 2, Floor: 3, Room: Auditorium H

Wednesday 09:00 - 10:30 CEST (10/07/2024)


The present panel takes its point of departure in the unbridled possibilities for retrogressive mobilization (Norocel & Baluta, 2023; Norocel & Pettersson, 2023) offered by digital media to coalesce networks of belonging within a reactionary cis-hetero-normative worldview (Blum, 2019). The panel collects contributions that draw on various ethnographic, empirical, and theoretical approaches to explore how the generativity and interconnectivity of present-day media ecologies enable the intersectional articulation of exclusionary, misogynist, and anti-LGBTI+ subjectivities, which underpin a far-right metapolitical project (Maly, 2020; Norocel, 2022). The empirical material of these critical contributions is collected from such social platforms as TikTok, from the infamous Incel forum (now, as well as from digital content producers as ActiveNews in Romania or digital outlets of legacy media and counterpublic media in Germany. This panel thus aims to contribute to the expanding literature on the complex imbrication of power, representation, and intersectionality, by focusing on the digital construction of subjectivities, which are afforded a superordinate position within the “matrix of domination” (Collins, 2000).

Title Details
Teasing out the conceptual contours of retrogressive technocultural worldings View Paper Details
Beauty, baby and backlash? Anti-feminist influencers on TikTok View Paper Details
What is in a name? Alternative gender knowledge and the retrogressive worlding of radical right digital media View Paper Details
Distinct information ecologies? Gender knowledge production in German digital legacy and counterpublic media View Paper Details