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The Rise of Resentment: Mainstreaming Far-Right Movements

Comparative Politics
Contentious Politics
Social Movements
Hank Johnston
San Diego State University
Hank Johnston
San Diego State University

Building: Sutherland School of Law, Floor: 2, Room: L246

Wednesday 11:15 - 13:00 BST (14/08/2024)


From Trump's MAGAism and Rassemblement National, to the Nordic Resistance Movement and Forza Nuova, extreme right movements grow in different institutional contexts and challenge democratic norms. This EPCR panel has been organised to present five cutting-edge studies on the far right. Papers will probe organisations, strategies, online presence, party ties, trajectories—and especially—the social forces and mechanisms that mainstream them in the contemporary West. Several presentations have a comparative focus. The papers contribute to our understanding of the politics of "rising resentment," using various analytical methods in diverse national settings.

Title Details
Contention and Countermobilization: Comparative Ethnographies of Lega Nord and Rassemblement National in Local Governance View Paper Details
The Twenty-First Century Dynamics of MAGAism View Paper Details
Surburban Politics: The Growth of Extremism in the U.S. View Paper Details
Far-right parties and protest dynamics: Street protest in Spain and Germany after the electoral breakthrough of AfD and Vox View Paper Details
Catalysts for Violence: Bringing the Dangerous Speech Model into Social Movement Studies Through Analysis of Anti-Abortion and Anti-Gay Direct Mail View Paper Details
Thinking, Feeling and Doing collective identities in antagonism: Anti-gender Mobilizations in Belgium View Paper Details