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In person icon Courts and their audiences

Social Media
Comparative Perspective
Public Opinion
Simon Drugda
University of Copenhagen
Etienne Hanelt
Masaryk University
Etienne Hanelt
Masaryk University

In person icon Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: 1, Room: E1.19

Wednesday 11:15 - 13:00 BST (14/08/2024)


Courts stand as the focal point of justice, hosting and interacting with diverse audiences. Inside the courtroom, judges, lawyers, parties to the case, and spectators convene, each playing a distinct role in the trial. Outside the courthouse, academics, journalists, pundits, and other intermediaries, online and offline, comment on and interpret the work of courts. Further, civil society interacts with courts through legal mobilisation. This panel examines the interaction between courts, judges, and their various audiences.

Title Details
Judicial media power? Transparency and communication at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) View Paper Details
The Trials, Tribulations and Celebrations of Climate Change Activism Through Litigation View Paper Details
Individuals in the Constitutional Court: Complaint, Protest, Scandal, and Weapons of the Weak View Paper Details