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Party competition on the public role of religion/political actors and religion

Political Parties
Party Systems
Voting Behaviour
Matthias Kortmann
TU Dortmund
Vít Volný
Charles University
Matthias Kortmann
TU Dortmund

Building: O'Brien Centre for Sciences, Floor: Ground, Room: Intel Theatre

Tuesday 14:00 - 15:45 BST (13/08/2024)


The religious-secular cleavage has seen a revival in many party systems of democratic countries. This is reflected by the (continued) presence of religiously oriented parties as well as party by conflicts on issues that refer to the role of religion in the public sphere. This panel examines party competition on religious issues and looks at the behaviour of parties along the religious-secular cleavage.

Title Details
Religion, Identity, and Political Preferences View Paper Details
Dealignment and secularization: Religious voting in Sweden, 1988-2022 View Paper Details
Why Has Canada Not Developed An American-Style Religious Right? View Paper Details
Promoting an Anti-EU Agenda? The Role of Churches and Religious Groups as Illiberal Contenders in EU Accession Candidates View Paper Details
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