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AI and Governance

Local Government
Decision Making

Building: Sutherland School of Law, Floor: Ground, Room: Moot Court

Wednesday 11:15 - 13:00 BST (14/08/2024)


This is a transformative era in public sector decision-making. AI systems are acquiring human-level capabilities, suggesting a future where AI supports or even replaces governance roles, potentially improving precision and efficiency. However, there are significant risks, such as the emergence of a "black box" society where decision-making processes remain hidden from citizens, the potential of ingraining social biases in algorithms, and the threat to privacy rights in pursuit of efficiency. This panel calls for contributions focused on empirical and normative research on artificial intelligence issues and governance, such as the relationship between citizens and government authorities, the fairness, accountability, and transparency of AI, its impact on democracy and society, and public attitudes and behaviors towards AI-influenced decision-making.

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Types, features and evaluation of permanent participatory online platforms: "One size fits all" or "More is less"? View Paper Details
(De)Politicizing the Digital Transformation - Computationally Assessing Issue Dynamics in European National Parliaments View Paper Details
Harmonising technology and democracy: AI-powered distributed acoustic sensing in the fabric of smart cities View Paper Details
Representative Bureaucracy in the age of AI governance View Paper Details