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Virtual icon Transformative power Europe versus subversive Europeanisation: Democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe

Europe (Central and Eastern)

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Thursday 16:00 - 17:00 BST (11/07/2024)


Speaker – Tanja A. Börzel, Freie Universität Berlin Discussant – Anastasia Mgaloblishvili, Berlin Graduate School of Global and Transregional Studies Chair – Arzu Yorkan The talk will revisit arguments about Enlargement Europeanisation. Tanja A. Börzel will discuss why neither the external incentive model (Schimmelfennig) nor differential empowerment (Vachudova) seem to work anymore in promoting, or at least protecting democratisation processes in accession countries. The discussion will focus on Georgia as a crucial case – the combination of high public support for EU membership and candidate status has not prevented the Georgian Dream government from undermining democratic institutions and repressing political opposition and civil society.