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Comparative Approaches to Identity Change: Macro, Meso and Micro Perspectives

Conflict Resolution
Ethnic Conflict
National Identity
Political Leadership
Jennifer Todd
University College Dublin
Bahar Rumelili
Koç University
IR Panel

Identity is a valuable yet highly contested concept in social sciences. It is premised on self-understandings but conditioned by the representations of others and collective categories. It is constructed, but not at will. While changes in collective categories of identity are often at the core of social and political transformation, the processes of identity change have not been subjected to systematic inquiry. Within political science and international relations, alternative accounts and explanations of identity change can be found in diverse fields such as conflict resolution, Europeanisation, socio-political mobilisation, ethnic studies, migration studies, boundary analysis, feminist/queer theory, and foreign policy analysis. The main objective of this Workshop is to establish a dialogue between these discrete accounts of identity change with the ultimate aim of identifying common dynamics and processes. The Workshop aims to produce added value by creating a sustained discussion between scholars who take different approaches to identity change, in different cases and comparisons, and to suggest ways in which more systematic comparative research on this difficult but important area can be developed.

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Identity Change and Ontological Security: Challenges of Conflict Resolution View Paper Details
EU Identity and Decision-Making on Enlargement − Explaining the Rise and Fall of Turkey's Quest for Membership View Paper Details
Changing Perceptions of Europe in a Changing Turkey: Analysing Identity Change Among the Turkish Public View Paper Details
The EU and its Russian Other in the Ukrainian Crisis: Explaining Identity Change and Consolidation through Agency and Discursive Clashes View Paper Details
Identity Change in Ninety Minutes: The Cognitive, Evaluative and Emotional Dynamics of Identity Change at a Political Rally View Paper Details
Europeanisation and the 'Regionalisation' of National Minority Identity View Paper Details
A Different Kind of 'Us': National Identity Dynamics in Albania and Kosovo View Paper Details
Research Work on the Identity Change of one French Trade Union: Making a Link between Meso and Micro Perspectives View Paper Details
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The Uneasiness of Abundance – The Identity Effects of Double Citizenship for Ethnic Minorities View Paper Details