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The Relationship Between Representative and Deliberative Democracy

Peter McLaverty
Robert Gordon University
Darren Halpin
Australian National University

Building: Maths, Floor: 4, Room: 417

Saturday 11:00 - 12:40 BST (06/09/2014)


The Relationship Between Representative and Deliberative Democracy Deliberative mechanisms have been used in the policy process in some states in different ways in recent years. Recent debates about the possibility of the development of a ‘deliberative system’ have accentuated thinking about what a sustainable and legitimate relationship between representative democracy and deliberative democracy might involve. Papers in this panel will consider, both theoretically and practically, how representative and deliberative elements of democracy might be linked together to enhance democratic systems. What roles might and should forms of public deliberation play in a workable democratic system and how might and should they relate to more traditional forms of political participation?

Title Details
Citizens or Politicians: Who is Better at Deliberation and Does it Matter? A Qualitative Assessment of Speeches at the Landsgemeinde in Glarus View Paper Details
The Impact of Electoral Outcomes on Public Participation in Policy-Making View Paper Details
Extending Representative Democracy View Paper Details
Promoting Impartiality in Representative Democracy: Why, When and How? View Paper Details