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Public Policy, Politics, and Advocacy Coalitions

Policy Analysis
Public Policy
Karin Ingold
Universität Bern
Chris Weible
University of Colorado Denver
Daniel Nohrstedt
Uppsala Universitet

Building: Faculty of Law, Floor: 2, Room: FL243

Thursday 15:50 - 17:30 CEST (08/09/2016)


The panel explores the various ways in which to refine and improve the methodological and theoretical depiction of advocacy coalitions. We are looking for papers that focus on topics such as the mobilization, belief systems, coordination patterns, stability/defection, resources/strategies, and policy effects/outcomes of advocacy coalition members.

Title Details
Agency, Advocacy Coalitions, and Network Structure: Differentiating Political Brokers and Entrepreneurs View Paper Details
Actor and Coalition Strategies in the ACF: Inside vs. Outside Lobbying View Paper Details
Comparing the Fractures and Seams: An Analysis of Advocacy Coalitions around Hydraulic Fracturing in Argentina, China, and the U.S. through Coded News Media View Paper Details
The role of expert knowledge in minimum wage policy making: a long-term comparison of Germany, Great Britain, and the United States View Paper Details
International Advocacy Coalitions: the role of international actors on domestic policy making View Paper Details