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In person icon The Populist Voter

Matthijs Rooduijn
University of Amsterdam
Gijs Schumacher
University of Amsterdam


Why do people vote for populist parties? The extant literature is inconclusive on why citizens do so. Some scholars argue that people vote for populists because they agree with the ideology of these parties. Other scholars claim that populist voters are mainly driven by political dissatisfaction: they vote for populist parties because they are unhappy with the established political order. Also, it has been argued that voters primarily vote for these parties because of their charismatic leaders. We welcome papers that focus on these or other motivations to vote for populist parties. Moreover, we are also interested in factors that might impact on the populist vote choice, such as party system characteristics, the state of the economy, or socio-demographic variables such as education, income, age, gender and religiosity. We accept qualitative and quantitative papers on right-wing populism, left-wing populism or both.

Title Details
Party, Leader or Local Candidate? Dissecting the Populist Vote in Finland View Paper Details
Media Cues and Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties View Paper Details
Lost in Modernisation? Populist Voters Between Resentment, Protest and Anti-Immigration View Paper Details
Gender Gap in Radical Right Voting: The Supply Side View Paper Details
Radical Choices Voiced Online. The Determinants of Populist Support in France and in The Netherlands View Paper Details