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Theory and Evidence for Cross-Fertilization of Policy Process Theories I

Comparative Politics
Policy Analysis
Public Policy
Reimut Zohlnhöfer
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Åsa Knaggård
Lunds Universitet
Paul Cairney
University of Stirling

Building: Faculty of Law, Floor: 2, Room: FL243

Friday 11:00 - 12:40 CEST (09/09/2016)


This panel seeks strategies for advancing knowledge about the policy process by combining frameworks or inserting certain elements of one lens into another. The panel will thus explore barriers, opportunities, and strategic ideas for taking leaps in knowledge in policy process research.

Title Details
Mixing Methods – Blending Theories. The Dual Linkage in Policy Analysis View Paper Details
Learning as Theoretical Lens on the Policy Process View Paper Details
Comparing Policy Process Lenses: On the Conditions and Usefulness of Localized ‘shoot-outs’ View Paper Details
The interaction of domestic and international factors in understanding policy change View Paper Details