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Political Parties Campaigning and Competing

Political Parties
Olga Litvyak
University for Continuing Education Krems
Zachary Greene
University of Strathclyde
Valentin Schröder
Universität Bremen

Building: Faculty of Arts, Floor: Ground, Room: FA018

Thursday 11:00 - 12:40 CEST (08/09/2016)


This panel on the competition between parties focuses on electoral campaigns. Papers presented in this panel analyze the content and the style in which parties compete. They do so from different angles like issue salience, negative campaigning, or framing. The aim of the panel is discussing the extent to which the choices made by the parties affects the way in which the party competition is being shaped.

Title Details
Competing on competence: How the scope of campaign messages structure competence evaluations View Paper Details
Lost children: Issue salience and the inference of policy positions from party family membership View Paper Details
Why do political parties compete over some issues and remain silent about others? Explaining the salience of polity issues in electoral competition View Paper Details
The art of framing: explaining framing mechanisms in 2011 and 2015 election campaigns in Switzerland View Paper Details
Negative campaigning as a chasing and mobilizing strategy. Lessons from the Swiss case View Paper Details