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Democratic Innovations at the Local Level

Local Government
Political Participation
Political Engagement
Maija Jäske
University of Turku
Brigitte Geissel
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Building: BL27 Georg Sverdrups hus, Floor: 3, Room: GS 3512

Friday 09:00 - 10:40 CEST (08/09/2017)


Most democratic innovations take place at the local rather than the national level. This panel describes the successes and failures of establishing democratic innovations at the local level.

Title Details
Deepening Democracy: Democratic Innovations in the Case of the Basque 'Local Independent Platforms' (1991-2016) View Paper Details
Local Alliances as a new form of Network Governance in Germany View Paper Details
Managed Transition: Local Governance between (mis)Trust in Experts and Citizen Participation View Paper Details
Facing Disagreement: Social Media and Public Deliberation View Paper Details
Direct Democracy as a Cure from the Democratic Malaise? Decision-Making by Referenda at the Local Level View Paper Details