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Social Movements and Policy Outcomes: How Right-Wing Grassroots Groups Influence Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy
Political Sociology
Comparative Perspective
Sofia Tipaldou
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences
Ioannis Galariotis
European University Institute
Mihai Varga
Freie Universität Berlin

Building: VMP 8, Floor: 2, Room: 206

Saturday 11:00 - 12:40 CEST (25/08/2018)


A large number of far-right parties were initially formed as grassroots movements, made up by activists rather than professional politicians. These groups differ from others in the broadly defined far right label in that they maintain their grassroots activities and adopt violent practices. Literature on the rise and consolidation of the far right largely focuses on parties and electoral politics, often grouping together all groups under the ‘far right’ label. The main focus is either on the causes of success of these parties, or their possible contagion effect on policies such as immigration. The distinctive character of far right social movements and their impact on policies beyond immigration is under-theorised. This is particularly true of foreign policy, which despite being closely related to the core far right ideological doctrine of nationalism remains under-researched. Scholarship on international relations researches mostly states, elites and individuals or masses, without including these actors that stand between individuals and elites and that are specialized into transforming grievances and emotions into activism, i.e. social movements. This panel aims to fill this gap by bridging literature on international relations, comparative politics and social movements. It addresses the extent to which the entrenchment of far right social movements influence foreign policy debates in a comparative manner. The panel is open to contributions on one or more case studies, from both democratic and non-democratic settings, and encourages its participants to introduce new methodological approaches that will advance our understanding of social movement outcomes on foreign policy.

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Justice and Development Party Rule and the Turkish Foreign Policy Making: The Power of Vigilance and Social Activism View Paper Details
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The Influence of the Bulgarian Far Right on Foreign Policy: the Debate on the Ratification of the Istanbul Convention View Paper Details
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