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Science and Politics: Boundaries and Crossings

Policy Analysis
Emma Harden-Wolfson
McGill University
Annabelle Littoz-Monnet
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Ying Li
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Building: VMP 9, Floor: Ground, Room: VMP9-08

Friday 14:00 - 15:40 CEST (24/08/2018)


This panel examines the relationship between science and policy in various contexts and domains.

Title Details
Research Impact Agenda and New Boundaries of Science and Politics View Paper Details
Beyond the Surf? The ‘4As’ of Knowledge-Politics Interdependence in Marine Governance View Paper Details
Cogs in the Machineries of Governance? Think Tanks, Knowledge Networks and Informal Diplomacy in the European Union-Brazil Security Dialogue View Paper Details
Integration to Overcome Tensions Between Knowledge and Governance in Sustainability Policy -the Case of OECD ‘Focal Points’ for Policy Coherence for Development View Paper Details
Internal Ministerial Advisory Bodies: Account of Governing and the Boundary Between Politics and Impartial Expertise in the Analytical Centres in Slovakia View Paper Details