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"European Values": Unity or Conflict-Maker?

Contentious Politics
European Politics
European Union
European Parliament
François Foret
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Alvaro Oleart
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Jana Vargovcikova
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Mark Thatcher
LUISS University


The "democratic deficit" is more and more understood as a "value deficit" threatening the sustainability of European integration and preventing from gaining support from the citizens. Values were originally thought as a solution but have more and more become the problem. The EU is relatively united to advocate its values and subsequent norms to be exported abroad, significantly less on the ground when the time comes for implementation in external action. The block is even much more divided about the definition, contend and role of values in domestic politics. Competition and conflicts take place at elite level for the ownership of “European values” as a symbolic resource to be used in a top-down logic to justify the European polity and policies. Meanwhile, in a bottom-up perspective, some values have created cultural and social backlash, fueled resistances to some European policies or clashed with counter-values and may even create divisions threatening the very existence of the European political community. Normative fights highlight tensions between different discursive repertoires (legal, technocratic, expert, emotional or populist ones). The panel addresses the role, effects and meanings of values at the crossroads of politics, culture, market and law. It documents the circulation and shaping of values between the different spheres of the European multi-level governance (local, national, supranational, transnational). It investigates the EU as a container of values politics as well as its interactions with external entities (Council of Europe, UN, rest of the world). A secondary purpose is to map the research using values as an exploratory framework of wider transformations of politics, policies and polities in Europe. The panel is constituted by a theoretical paper and three case studies related to policy sectors that are either interests- or values-based to assess commonalities and differences in the political logics at work: culture, trade, morality politics.

Title Details
Values in the European Politics - The Cases of the Greek and Bulgarian MEPs During the Migration and Refugee Crisis View Paper Details
Values in European Politics: Uses, Agency and Limits View Paper Details
The Discursive Legitimisation of Market-Oriented EU Trade Policy Through “European Values” in a Post-Permissive Consensus Era: From 2006 Global Europe to 2015 Trade for All View Paper Details
Market, Culture, and Open-Access. European Copyright and the Renewal of a Historical Clash of Values in the Digital Age View Paper Details
European Values in Morality Politics: A Common Pattern? The Example of Prostitution, Surrogacy and Abortion View Paper Details