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The Cultural Context Dependency of the Peripheral Political Entrepreneur - How to play the game?

Meeri Brandum Granqvist
Mid-Sweden University
Meeri Brandum Granqvist
Mid-Sweden University


With changes in global politics over the last few decades traditional Government has moved towards Governance. This has left the field open to new actors and phenomena and Political Entrepreneurship seems to have become an increasingly popular term in Political Science. But what can the political entrepreneur actually accomplish and what importance does the cultural context have for the entrepreneurial actions and its outcomes? This paper contains empirical material from three peripheral settings in Sweden/Norway, Spain and Guatemala and strives to create an idea as to whether or not the cultural context determines what the political entrepreneurship will look like, what it can achieve and how it mobilizes the support from its surroundings. Different cultural contexts can provide variation in a great number of variables. In contexts with different degrees of for instance corruption the level of commitment of the political entrepreneur seems to vary, but more importantly, it seems to influence how long the political entrepreneur stays active in his/her ideas. Since institutions are not equally reliable in all cultural settings the political entrepreneur must "stay in the game" for different amounts of time. Or must he really? And also, with a variation in the reliability of the institutions, can one possibly expect a different need to engage society in the entrepreneurial actions? An examination of political entrepreneurship in these different empirical settings could provide a stepping stone for forward research on the cultural context dependency of the political entrepreneur - should it prove necessary.