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Radical Anti-Fascism in Europe – A Comparative Analysis

Jan Jämte
University of Örebro
Jan Jämte
University of Örebro


The economic crisis has brought with it an upsurge in extreme right activities, heightening the level of political tension in Europe. In response, anti-fascist movements are mobilizing. Among these we find a radical flank, often consisting of anarchists or autonomists, which combine a materialist analysis of fascism – viewing it as the outermost expression of structural problems deeply rooted at the heart of society – with the use of militant, direct action. By comparing radical anti-fascist groups in Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Germany and Russia this paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of this radical milieu and it’s role in the protests related to the economic crisis. Combining the framing perspective and the political opportunity-approach, the paper analyze whether differences in the activists’ collective action frames and repertories of action can be explained by cross-country differences in opportunity structures, including the development of the extreme right in each country.