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Revolutionary Violence and Economic Crisis in Greece, 2010 – 2014

Sotirios Karampampas
University of Sheffield
Sotirios Karampampas
University of Sheffield


This paper aims to explore the relationship of revolutionary violence and the economic crisis in Greece, since the beginning of the latter in 2010 and up to the present day. Indeed, the recent years have seen the rise of political violence and extremism as a whole, from both sides of the political spectrum. Notwithstanding, this paper will focus on the political violence of revolutionary groups in Greece, and will examine its association, if any, with the economic crisis and the harsh austerity measures that it caused. The primary method for tracing the links between the two phenomena will be the discourse analysis of the revolutionary groups’ communiques. Particularly, through reflecting on the political and economic developments in the country, this analysis will try to identify how, if at all, the economic crisis affected the repertoire of contention, the incentives, and the justifications of revolutionary groups in Greece.