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Nationalism in Times of Economic Crisis

Comparative Politics
European Union
National Identity
Luke Temple
University of Sheffield
Luke Temple
University of Sheffield


Panel 6: Citizens' political responses to economic crises: Grievances or opportunities? Recent studies of citizens' political responses to economic crises have focused on areas of specific political support and action, such as the suggested increase of 'subterranean politics' or the mobilization of 'critical citizens'. Much less attention has been paid to whether diffuse support for the nation has been affected by the economic crisis of 2007-2011. This is an area of interest particularly as the crisis was deemed to be global in nature, and also as one of the key players in the crisis was the supra-national EU. Using WVS and EVS data, this paper examines trends in citizens’ nationalistic values over time, and whether these have been knocked or bolstered by the financial crisis.