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Portraying Alternative Forms of Resilience in Hard Economic Times: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations

Maria Kousis
University of Crete
Maria Kousis
University of Crete
Maria Paschou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


The aim of this paper is to offer a comprehensive literature review on novel, collective and solidarity oriented resilience in the EU following the 2007 economic crisis. Related studies center on innovative practices that sprang during the crisis in Argentina and other Latin America regions, while more recent but fewer works focus on exchange and cooperation practices of a solidarity-based economy in European regions. Rare however, are the studies on novel, alternative, survival oriented and defensive structures in times of crisis which arise to meet urgent basic needs such as food, shelter, health and education for citizens. Furthermore, related studies on economically disempowered citizens of the middle classes, more vulnerable groups and gender are fewer and based on the experiences from developing countries. The undertaken review will focus on the conceptual, theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the debate in order to sustain future research on the topic.