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Generating Democratic Legitimacy Through Citizen Deliberation

Didier Caluwaerts
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Didier Caluwaerts
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Min Reuchamps
Université catholique de Louvain


Ever since the 1990’s, democratic deliberation, conceived as the rational exchange of arguments, is claimed to improve the quality of democratic decision making because it instigates a more considered judgment; it allows citizens to hear other perspectives to a problem and to question their own opinions. However, deliberation’s beneficial effects do not come about easily. If deliberative mini-publics want to contribute to the legitimacy of political decision making, they have to reflect the principles of legitimacy in their own functioning. It is therefore crucial to assess the internal legitimacy of deliberative mini-publics before making claims about their contribution to the legitimacy of the political system as a whole. In this paper, we set out to assess the input, throughput and output legitimacy of four deliberative events, namely the British Columbia Citizens’ Assembly, the Irish “We, The Citizens”-project, the Belgian G1000, and the Dutch Burgerforum.