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Do Democratic Innovations Improve the Quality of Democracy?

Referendums and Initiatives
Brigitte Geissel
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Ank Michels
Utrecht University

Building: Maths, Floor: 4, Room: 417

Thursday 16:00 - 17:40 BST (04/09/2014)


Although democratic innovations are currently en vogue, we know very little about the effects of these innovations on the quality of democracy. Democratic innovation studies often intend to investigate benefits and negative effects of participatory procedures for the quality of democracy, but they seldom use quality-of-democracy-indices. This panel is a follow-up of a panel in Bordeaux on quality of democracy measurements.

Title Details
Generating Democratic Legitimacy Through Citizen Deliberation View Paper Details
Can Democratic Innovations Improve the Quality of Democracy? Sketching a response View Paper Details
Participatory Democracy Against Corruption? View Paper Details
Democratic Innovations and Increase in the Quality of Democracy in Brazil: The Experience of the Digital Participatory Budgets in Belo Horizonte and Recife View Paper Details