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Explaining the (Non-)Opening of IOs. The Case of the IAEA

Tobias Weise
Freie Universität Berlin
Tobias Weise
Freie Universität Berlin


Since, the 1970s, there is a trend towards increased openness of the institutions of global governance. In Intergovernmental Organizations (IOs), for example, we see more transparent processes of rule making and more participation of non-state actors today than in past decades. This trend has inspired research on how, why and when IOs increase their openness. One broad research path focuses on the impact that opening has on the resources that are available to organizations. Under this logic, IOs may e.g. benefit from the expertise and knowledge of non-state actors in their daily activities. Another path of research suggests that the trend of opening may be caused by a changing framework of norms regulating global rule making. Here, the basic assumption is that there are a number of normative reference frames available, prescribing transparency and inclusiveness as prerequisite for appropriate and good global governance. This paper tries to develop an analytical framework comprising both approaches. The framework will than be applied to the International Atomic Energy Agency, an IO that combines features of expertise driven and politicized organizations in the security sector.