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Trans* citizens Challenging Equality and Universality Claims of the Social Democratic Welfare State – The Case of Norway

Welfare State
Janneke van der Ros
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Janneke van der Ros
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences


This paper challenges the claim of universality in the praxis of a social democratic welfare state with regard to access to health services and considering legal gender status, where specific groups of citizens, in casu gender non-conforming individuals, experience lack of recognition as equal and full citizens of this welfare state. The paper discusses possible explanations for this marginalization to non- or partial citizenship status, using different approaches to the various dimensions of citizenship – political, social and cultural. The paper suggests combining certain aspects of sexual, intimate and embodied citizenship to incorporate gender non-conforming individuals in the state-citizen contract, without claiming adjustment to a heteronormative binary gendered model of citizenship.