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Social Constuctivism as a Tool to Interpret Migration Policy of the EU

European Politics
European Union
Helena Bauerová
University of West Bohemia
Helena Bauerová
University of West Bohemia


I would like to analyse how EU and member states are able to change rules of migration policy in the time of migration crises. The migration crisis shoves us, how complicated situation can arise if rules of common migration policy are not clearly created and shared. I will use the theory of social constructivism; it helps me to understand how actors (member states and EU) adapt to standards in migration policy. I use constructivist assumption that integration process is possible to explain as process of learning. State adopts rules which are restrictive and these standards are reflected in a state behaviour. I will observe the process of socialization of actors how they adapt to norms of migration policy. How and whether, or not states create the collective identity in the special and sensitive sphere of EU migration policy. I want to show two views: (1) how states try to follow their own benefit and (2) how states try to act in accordance with standards which have been recognized in EU. On the other hand, I want do show how the EU reacts to migration crisis and demands of particular member states. I want to analyse the process where EU together with member states construct norms and rules in the sphere of migration policy during migration crisis (2014-2015); how particular interest of member states form the EU migration policy; and conversely how the EU creates effective migration policy for the whole EU. I want to find answers to following questions: It is true, that member states have preferred the intergovernmental integration in migration policy in spite of the migration policy is the case of supranational policy? Is member state migration policy so specific that is impossible or very difficult to share and collaborate on EU level?