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Combining Transnational and International Perspective in Research on LGBTI Rights in Europe

European Politics
Human Rights
Francesca Stella
University of Glasgow
Francesca Stella
University of Glasgow


My intervention draws on the edited book ‘Sexuality, citizenship and belonging: Trans-national and intersectional perspectives’ (Routledge, 2015), which I co-edited with Yvette Taylor, Tracey Reynolds and Antoine Rogers. The book contributes to debates on LGBTQI rights and sexual citizenship in Europe by exploring both transnational and intersectional perspectives. This book brings together a diverse range of critical interventions in sexuality and gender studies, and seeks to encourage new ways of thinking about the connections and tensions between sexual politics, citizenship and belonging. The book is organized around three interlinked thematic areas, focusing on sexual citizenship, nationalism and international borders (Part 1); sexuality and "race" (Part 2); and sexuality and religion (Part 3). In revisiting notions of sexual citizenship and belonging, contributors engage with topical debates about "sexual nationalism," or the construction of western/European nations as exceptional in terms of attitudes to sexual and gender equality vis-à-vis an uncivilized, racialized "Other." The collection explores macro-level perspectives by attending to the geopolitical and socio-legal structures within which competing claims to citizenship and belonging are played out; at the same time, micro-level perspectives are utilized to explore the interplay between sexuality and "race," nation, ethnicity and religious identities. Geographically, the collection has a prevalently European focus, yet contributions explore a range of trans-national spatial dimensions that exceed the boundaries of "Europe" and of European nation-states.