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Anti-Refugee Vigilantism in France and Italy during the 'Migration Crisis': Comparing Organisation, Goals and Targets

Political Activism
Pietro Castelli Gattinara
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Pietro Castelli Gattinara
Université Libre de Bruxelles


Since vigilantism can be defined as a response to the perceived inability of the state to enforce security and the rule of law within its territory, Italy is a ripe context, due to the scarce legitimacy and efficiency of its state executive agencies. France, on the contrary, stands out as a negative case because of its traditional strong central state institutions and law-enforcement systems. Nevertheless, street patrols and vigilante activities have been on the rise in both contexts over the past years, most notably in the framework of the so-called European migration crisis. This article highlights crucial organizational factors in contemporary vigilante activism in the two countries, focusing on the stated purposes and values of citizen activists. Building upon a series of face-to face interviews conducted with vigilante activists throughout 2017, the paper presents the case of the citizen association Les Calaisiens en Colère, the political movement Les Identitaires in France, and the extreme-right party Forza Nuova in Italy. While illustrating the main features of contemporary vigilantism in terms of organization, goals and targets, the paper also singles out the cultural and political factors that might limit or enhance the impact of this practice on the public sphere and the diffusion of far-right values at the local and national level in the two countries.