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Power or Ideology? What structures legislative voting behavior in Dutch municipal councils, ideology or coalition-opposition dynamics?

Local Government
Political Competition
Political Parties
Decision Making
Big Data
Thijs Vos
Leiden University
Thijs Vos
Leiden University


The study of legislative voting behavior almost exclusively focusses on national legislatures and the European Parliament. A large part of political decision-making however takes place in decentralized government bodies. Furthermore many countries have decentralized powers and tasks to regional and local government. At the same time political scientists have only very limitedly studied legislative behaviour at those levels and in particular on legislative voting in municipal behaviour in municipal councils. This paper will bring the study of legislative voting behaviour to the local level by analyzing voting behaviour in around sixty municipal councils during the 2014-2018 term in the Netherlands. Earlier research on legislative voting behaviour has found that coalition-opposition dynamics and the left-right axis form the most important factors that structure voting behaviour. This paper will test whether the explanations that have been derived in the study in national parliaments also hold up for politics on the local level. The question under what conditions and to what extent voting behaviour is structured by the left-right axis and/or coalition/opposition dynamics will be analyzed by combining a multilevel regression analysis with a dyadic dataset. This approach makes it possible to test in what proportion variables explain the result.