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Same but Different - Examining the Role of Context in the Implementation of Deliberative Mini-Publics

Marina Lindell
Åbo Akademi
Marina Lindell
Åbo Akademi


A major challenge for deliberative democracy is the practical implementation of deliberative ideals. Deliberative democrats have come to regard deliberative mini-publics as a way to realize democratic deliberation in practice and there has been a tremendous increase in the empirical studies in the field. Empirical studies usually analyze the effects of deliberation, mostly opinion- and knowledge changes. The findings are mostly positive and imply that opinions change and that there are noticeable knowledge gains. Are the predominant positive results from deliberative mini-publics due to that they are implemented in the same kind of context? Can we, by examining contextual variables, identify variables that are common for all cases? These identified variables should increase the likelihood of a successful deliberation. Nineteen empirical studies (articles) on deliberative mini-publics are analyzed by using a predetermined coding schedule that includes contextual variables about the design, the topic discussed, group composition and connection to the decision-making process. The dependent variable is the effects of deliberation and all studies claim that deliberation has some positive effects. The findings suggest that there are varieties in the context where deliberative mini-publics are implemented. This implies that deliberative mini-publics aren´t implemented in the same context although they all are surrounded by some favourable conditions.