Reinventing and Strengthening Democracy in Southern Europe
Civil Society
Political Participation
Southern Europe
Endorsed by the ECPR Standing Group on Southern European Politics
Potential title: Reinventing and Strengthening Democracy in Southern Europe
In recent years, Southern Europe has faced a convergence of challenges that have tested the resilience of its democratic institutions. The region has witnessed a surge in populist movements, raising concerns about the stability of established political systems. Simultaneously, issues surrounding the rule of law have emerged in several countries, calling into question the strength of judicial independence and legal frameworks. The credibility of political elites has been eroded by corruption scandals and perceived disconnection from citizens' needs, further undermining trust in democratic processes. Additionally, persistent and growing inequalities have exacerbated social tensions and fueled disillusionment with traditional democratic mechanisms. Southern Europe has seen an intense wave of mobilization in the last year, driven by issues such as unaffordable housing, urban gentrification, ecological degradation, and the climate crisis. These multifaceted challenges underscore the urgent need to analyze patterns of democratic reinvention in Southern Europe. By examining innovative approaches to governance, civic engagement, and institutional reform, we can identify strategies to strengthen democratic institutions and practices. This analysis is crucial not only for the region's political stability and social cohesion but also for preserving and enhancing the quality of Southern European democracies in the face of contemporary pressures.
We invite scholars to explore a wide range of topics that address the challenges and opportunities for democratic renewal in the region. We encourage submissions that examine innovative participatory mechanisms and their impact on civic engagement, including digital democracy initiatives and new forms of citizen consultation. Panels may also address gender equality in political representation and decision-making processes as a crucial aspect of democratic strengthening. We welcome submissions that investigate youth political engagement and generational shifts in democratic participation. The Section seeks panels that explore the role of grassroots organizations in housing or environmental justice, and the relationship between social movements and political actors in Southern Europe. In addition, submissions may address the influence of populism on democratic institutions and explore strategies for maintaining democratic norms in the face of anti-establishment sentiments. The role of institutional reforms in reinventing democratic structures is another key area of interest. We are particularly interested in papers that examine efforts to enhance institutional transparency and combat corruption as means of strengthening democratic foundations. We also encourage panels that analyze media freedom and how misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories are challenging traditional notions of democratic discourse, eroding public trust in institutions and complicating citizens' ability to make informed political decisions. Finally, contributions may explore the evolving relationship between Southern European democracies and the European Union, including the impact of EU policies on national democratic processes.
This section focuses on the evolving patterns of democratic practices in Southern Europe, encompassing Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey. We invite papers that analyze the processes aimed at strengthening democratic foundations across the region. Contributions should address the key drivers of political and social transformation at aggregate, national, and individual levels, offering insights into the mechanisms shaping the future of democracy in these countries. The Section seeks submissions that explore patterns of democratic enhancement and renewal, welcoming both theoretical-conceptual frameworks and original empirical analyses across Southern European countries. We also encourage comparative studies within the region and between Southern Europe and other countries or regions. The call promotes interdisciplinary approaches and comparative analyses that shed light on the unique challenges and innovative solutions emerging in Southern European democracies. We welcome a variety of methodological approaches to foster a comprehensive understanding of Southern Europe's evolving political landscape.