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Grönlund, Bächtiger & Setälä's 'Deliberative Mini-Publics', out now in softback

The first comprehensive account of a booming phenomenon, this book offers a systematic review of mini-publics' variety, discusses their weaknesses, and recommends ways to make them a viable component of democracy. It takes stock of their diverse practices and, more concretely, looks at preconditions, processes, and outcomes. Bringing together leading scholars in the field, notably James S Fishkin and Mark E Warren, Deliberative Mini-Publics will speak to anyone with an interest in democracy and democratic innovations. 

'...combines in a very innovative way conceptual and empirical research. It takes into account that the question is no longer 'whether deliberative mini-publics work', but examines the outcomes and impacts of different concepts, designs and processes.'

Brigitte Geißel – Goethe University, Frankfurt 

Keywords: Democracy, Decision Making

23 June 2015
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