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Standing Group on

Political Parties

Current Members: 654

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The Standing Group on Political Parties is one of the ECPR’s oldest Standing Groups. It seeks to facilitate communication among scholars studying this centrally important democratic institution and to inform the wider community of its members’ scholarly work.

  • To maintain a register of its members
  • To bring people with related interests together on a regular but informal basis
  • To facilitate communication among members
  • To provide links to web-based sources likely to be of interest to members
  • To provide a forum to co-ordinate proposals for Joint Sessions Workshops and General Conference Sections
  • To serve as a catalyst for developing joint research proposals
  • To support an annual multinational PhD Summer School on Political Parties
  • To inform the wider community of members' scholarly work

The Standing Group’s main activities are the coordination of workshops at the ECPR Joint Sessions and sections/panels at the ECPR General Conferences, as well as the support of an annual international PhD Summer School.

Byelaws in Addition to the Group Framework

The Steering Committee of the Standing Group on Political Parties will comprise of no fewer than three, but no more than six members, elected from the group members.